Day Membership
Silverstone Shooting Centre Commercial Range Day Membership Agreement
This is an Agreement between you, the Member, and Thorney Ltd, a company registered in England And Wales (registration number 04665201), whose registered office is at Staplegate Farm, Crowfield, Northants, NN13 5TW (“us” or “we”).
Membership can only be processed in person as ID checks and details such as FAC number have to be recorded along with photographs. Once membership has been established members are entitled to book ranges and lanes on line via the website. Full membership prices and options can be found on our website.
To become a Day Member at a Silverstone Shooting Centre you are accepting all the terms and conditions in this Membership Agreement and agree to abide by all conditions set out under our Range Rules. You should only join if you have read them and accept them. Our standard membership terms are set out below.
Day Membership – Your rights
This Day Membership Agreement starts once you have accepted the terms during the online joining process. By accepting the terms you are agreeing to pay any applicable Joining Fee, Administration Fee. These are shown at the start of the joining process and also before you confirm your payment instruction.
This Day Membership Agreement starts once you have accepted the terms. By accepting the terms you are agreeing to pay the full amount of the membership upfront before commencing your membership. These are shown at the start of the joining process and also before you confirm your payment instruction.
You are entitled to access and use the range for the agreed term for the full duration of the membership.
In case of dispute you must show that you cancelled the Agreement in accordance with the cancellation terms.
Day Membership – Your Obligations
You agree to pay us the full Day Membership Amount due for the period at the end of the online joining process (and which will be confirmed to you by email) by credit or debit card.
You agree that you will not be eligible for any refund if there is any temporary interruption in services during the period. We will close the range at least 2 days a year for necessary maintenance or other work. We will endeavour to reopen facilities as soon as is reasonably possible in these circumstances.
If any payment due from you is returned unpaid or not honoured you will pay us on demand an administration fee of £15.00
You confirm that you are at least 16 years of age and you consent to, and waive any and all claims in respect of, your image being recorded by 24 hour CCTV for security purposes and reviewed at our discretion by our employees and contractors.
You must use the range facilities and equipment in the proper manner and you must consult a member of staff if you are unsure.
You will be liable for any damage caused to our equipment or facilities through your use.
You are responsible for your firearm safety and security at all times.
You agree to the terms and conditions of suitable firearm usage including any and all directions as to the use of suppressors, limitation on ammunition type, muzzle velocity or muzzle energy levels as determined and amended by Silverstone Shooting Centre or its agents at any time.
You consent to incidental inclusion in marketing photographs of our premises that we may take from time to time.
We reserve the right to change the access privileges of members at any time, this includes access to the range and range equipment, suitable firearm eligibility, ammunition type, opening times and range access. We will make reasonable endeavours to communicate to you in advance if we are unable to make available to you the rights and privileges of Day Membership.
We will terminate this Agreement and your Day Membership with immediate effect if you do not pay any applicable Joining Fee and Admin Fee, or Membership Amount when it falls due. We may terminate this Agreement and cancel your Membership with immediate effect on notice to you if you breach any of the range rules (contained on our website and displayed on site) in this event you will no longer be able to access any of our facilities and we will not give any refund.
We may communicate range information to you by email or SMS. We may assign the benefit of this Agreement and our rights to a third party provided we give you notice and your rights under this Agreement will not be prejudiced.
Silverstone Shooting Centre, its parent companies, its agents, employees and subcontractors are not liable for any loss, damage or theft of any of your property that you bring onto our premises. If such loss, damage or theft is caused by the negligent acts or omissions of Silverstone Shooting Centre or its agents, employees or subcontractors, our liability to you will be limited to £500.
We may close our premises with reasonable notice and at our discretion for reasonable periods of time to carry out maintenance, repairs, refurbishment or cleaning or for other reasons outside of our control. We will not be responsible to you for not being able to access our facilities in these circumstances.
We are not liable for any injury you suffer through the incorrect use of our equipment of facilities.
We may make reasonable changes to Day Membership Rules and to the Day Membership Agreement terms and conditions and Range Membership rules at any time. Only you, the person named in the online joining process, can benefit from this Agreement. If any of the terms of this Agreement are invalid, unenforceable or illegal the remaining terms can still be enforced.
This Agreement is governed by the law of England and Wales.
Section 21 of the Firearms Act 1968
It is an offence for someone who is prohibited under Section 21 of the Firearms Act 1968 to have a firearm or ammunition in his or her possession at any time. Section 21 applies to anyone who has been sentenced to imprisonment or to youth custody or detention in a young offenders institution for three months or more. If the sentence was for more than 3 years then the prohibition is for life. If the sentence was for between 3 months and 3 years then the prohibition lasts for five years from the date of their release. It is an offence for a person to transfer, let, hire, give or lend a firearm or ammunition to anyone who they believe or have reasonable grounds to believe is prohibited under Section 21 of the Firearms Act. By signing here you confirm that you are not prohibited to possess a firearm or ammunition under Section 21 of the Firearms Act: