Competition Day

Every month from April until October we will be hosting our .22 competition day where we will be having the following competitions:
10m Turning Target
For details and entry click here:
Details and Entry
25m Turning Target
Details and Entry
50m Turning Target
Details and Entry
Speed Steel ( 4 courses of fire)
Details and Entry
Falling plates (timed and person vs person)
100/50/25 yard Precision
Practical Mini Rifle (4 courses of fire)
Details and Entry
You can enter one or all of the competitions as many times as you like and full training will be given for all the courses. For Practical, the courses of fire will be designed to aid and new shooter to this discipline but extra training may be required.
The competitions will run from 10am to 5pm, no specific time booking is required but we do ask you book on line so we know numbers.
The practical competition will have a Range Officer to run the competition but the others all just need an entry target to be completed at reception and you just go and shoot, full instructions will be given for the turning targets, speed steels and falling plates.
Results for all the competitions will be collated all year with a prize giving at the end of the year.
Open to members and non members.