NRA Practical Minirifle League with Viper Tactical

Well, another successful 12 stage practical mini rifle match with nearly 40 competitors shooting 12 stages in a day and we everyone even had time for a lunch break. For the first round we hosted for the NRA Practical Minirifle league we kept the stages relatively short in part to make sure we could run that many stages successfully so for the second round (part of a 9 round series; the largest Practical Shooting series in the UK) we decided to stretch shooters a little more, after all its a rifle match, not a pistol.
This meant we used the outdoor ranges for 5 stages including two at 90m+ We also decided to add some more plates and even the devilish yellow balls came out to play!
Delighted to say the match was great fun, as RM all I heard was laughter in all the ranges and positive comments for the stages, it was also great to say hello to some friends who roll up here for the bigger matches (sometimes travelling long distances) so we appreciate their support and their attitude, its fun to host a match for all of them.
Whats also great fun is the sheer number of new shooters we get here, we pride ourselves on being welcoming and supportive to new shooters, there is no need for an expensive safety course, just come and shoot, what we do is give you a novice cross so we know you are new and perhaps need a little more assistance and guidance to ensure you are both safe and have fun. We had 5 new shooters this round and all shot safely and well…….”I’ve found a new sport” was the final comment from one. THIS is how we grow our sport.
Anyway, enough of that, the results.
Well done to Russell Hicks who is proving unbeatable here which as well as being senior beat all the young guns too so shows experience helps, Maria was top lady and Craig showing everyone that being over 60 doesn’t mean you’re slow with top super senior with 20th overall. Well done to all.
All the stage results
All of the results are on PRACTISCORE
Here are all the stages shot to varying levels of success and skill. Interestingly I won but only won a single stage, I just scored in top 9 for all of them, that was enough so consistency seems to be key.
Thanks once again to Viper Tactical for the prize table which will be given out at the end of the season for all the NRA Pistol and Minirifle competitors and to all the shooters who support us and of course our RO team which is expanding nicely to include some very experienced range officers, if you’d like to join us remember you get a free entry and food and drink all day as well as some of our new snazzy team kit.
Next NRA match is for pistol on Saturday August 3rd and last NRA Minirifle match on Sunday November 3rd, to ENTER
Remember you dont need to be a Silverstone or NRA member to enter, just a gun and a sense of fair play.