Highland Outdoors NRL22 Championship

Highland Outdoors NRL22 2022 Championship
After a successful Winter league series the main championship is now upon us and we are delighted to announce a new partner Highland Outdoors.
Highland Outdoors really are the perfect partner, not only do a lot of their staff compete in the NRL and other precision rifle shooting series but their spread of products are like a shopping list for the competitor. The right kit and the experience of how to make the most of it are a winning combination.
We will be releasing a video shortly highlighting some of the kit useful for competing in the NRL22 shortly but their support allows us to offer a great prize table for the shooters.
NRL22 is a .22 calibre precision rifle shooting series from the USA where ranges across the World shoot the same course of fire. Targets are all steel reactive (so you see the impact) on a hit/miss basis and courses of fire can range from a 1/4″ target at 25 yards to a 3″ target at 100 yards.
Shooting positions range from prone to standing unsupported to tank traps, buckets, ladders and chairs, all sorts really and highly variable.
Each match has 5 courses of fire which shooters can chose to shoot in the morning (10am to 1pm) or the afternoon (2pm to 5pm). The course of fire are published the week before.
For the UK there are two classes – open and semi auto. Open is for any .22 rifle and semi auto is for any .22 semi auto rifle (well, duh).
Its a great competition with great banter as well, everyone is very encouraging.
To sign up for one or all of the rounds see HERE