Silverstone Practical Shooting Championship Round 1 April 5th 2025 (NRA Rnd 3 as well)



This Round is also Round 3 of the NRA Practical Minirifle League.

Members Price £50

8 courses of fire shot in our Tactical Training Centre Ranges and our outdoor ranges shot to IPSC rules (well, close enough) and can be shot either with .22 pistol, Mini Rifle or as Two Gun – .22 pistol and Minirifle both firearms shot on the same stage.

Shooters can enter as either LBP, Minirifle or both or all three as 2 Gun. Courses of fire will be the same but with different start positions for each division.

Stages will include some dark stages, perhaps some blind stages (no course walk through) and are discounted entry costs for Silverstone Shooting Centre members.

Shooters without an FAC can rent a minirifle if required (this is not allowed with an LBP) or share with another shooter if both are members of a Home Office Approved Club (with evidence).

There are 8 rounds in total with top 5 scores to count for the overall championship (so you dont need to enter them all), with multiple classes for suitable qualifying entrants.

Please select the division you wish to shoot, multiple entrants attracts same entry fee.

Please enter via Practiscore FIRST and then pay via this site


For those new to Practical shooting we strongly advise you watch our guide videos which both explain the sport and how to take part and also what to expect at a match and how to behave when here, they will really help.

Additional information


LBP, Mini Rifle, Two Gun (LBP and Minirifle)


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