Silverstone Practical Shooting Championship

A full 8 round championship for .22 Pistol, Minirifle and .22x2Gun all shot here at Silverstone in our tactical indoor ranges and our outdoor ranges out to 100m.
Two rounds will double up as part of the NRA Practical MiniRifle League and two rounds will double up as part of the NRA Practical Pistol League.
The courses of fire will be shot to IPSC regulations, with perhaps some differences to keep it fun and interesting, and will include dark and blind stages (no walk through).
Entry will be limited to 40 shooters, our members get a discounted entry rate of £50 rather than £65 per entry but there is NO need to be a member here or of the NRA or the UKPSA or have to have a ‘competition licence’.
Over the year we will be announcing a prize table from carefully selected partners so that the prize table will be excellent.
All of the results and standings will be updated to the new Practical Shooting UK site so you’ll be able to see how you are performing in the rankings as the season goes on.
At the end of the year we hope to arrange a prize giving ceremony and event to celebrate, you know like most sporting clubs try to do – have fun.
Here are the dates:
Round 1 Sat April 5th (also NRA Minirifle League)
Round 2 Sat May 31st (also NRA Pistol League)
Round 3 Sat July 5th
Round 4 Sat Aug 2nd (also NRA Minirifle League)
Round 5 Sat Sept 20th
Round 6 Sat Oct 18th (also NRA Pistol League)
Round 7 Sat Nov 15th
Round 8 Sat Dec 20th (Grand Final)
To enter any or all of the rounds click HERE