Target Rich Environment Final Round

Round 5 of the Target Rich Environment Winter League is done and with no further delay here are the results
Rob Lawson took the win with with his minirifle but as he was shooting LBP the score wont count so Russell Hicks took his third win of the series to conclusively wrap up the title, well done Russell.
We only had a few entrants to the LBP class but well done to Rob Lawson here who took the series win. Both Russell and Rob will receive some Target Rich Environment clothing and some goodies from Viper Tactical, our new practical shooting partner.
Final scores for the series (best 4 rounds to count)
Russell Hicks 40 points
Tom Goodman 21 points
Lee Elliot 19 points
Rob Lawson 40 points
Howard Roberts 28 points
Adrian Steel 25 points
Full stage results
Our Winter league really is designed for new shooters to try their hand at the sport and we are delighted to say that we have 14 people who entered who were completely new to the sport, all shot safely and well and hopefully they will be back for more, certainly most have entered other competitions round the UK and in the NRA series so we are happy to help grow our sport.
Here are all 6 stages:
Our focus now moves to the NRA Hand gun and Minirifle leagues where we are proud to be hosting 5 matches for the NRA; 3 Minirifle and 2 Handgun matches so pretty much all season we will be hosting a practical shooting match every month, all of which will be 12 stages and shot to IPSC rules. The minirifle matches will shoot out to 100m, hand gun out to 35m. For details on these matches and how to enter see HERE
Its worth noting that we strive to make all of our matches friendly and open to new shooters as well as those more experienced. The stages we run are challenging but not not difficult and our Range Officers specifically encouraged to help all shooters rather than be some kind of unapproachable rule fiend, our view is our role is to help shooters and help grow the sport rather than be a hindrance to it. There is zero compromise on safety but that doesnt mean that we have to be assholes when running a match so we arent.
So if you’re a new shooter then dont let the NRA title put you off, matches here are the same, the NRA ones just means there are 12 stages (most in the UK) thats all and for minirifle you will shoot out to 100m, its a rifle match after all.
We look forward to seeing you here.