Target Rich Environment Winter League Round 2

After the excitement of Round 1 the next round of the Target Rich Environment Practical Winter League didnt disappoint with some more LBP shooters as well. 21 shooters got the run of six stages and this round we decided to push them out a little with targets at 40m and 60m by using our tubular training range (a long train) as well as a nice mix of indoor skills house and a night stage stage. All six stages can be seen here
Due to the unique nature the ranges here we are able to run multiple start positions to the LBP guys ran the same course of fire but a different start position, I’d have a lot of moaning LBP shooters if I made them shoot 60m!
Russell Hicks must like his Target Rich Environment hoodie he won for winning round 1 as he continued his winning ways by winning another one in round 1. I got up to 2nd this time with 90% which I was happy with as I continue my training to get back up there (but seeing as Lee was in Tenerife I doubt I’d have beaten him) but 90% with two stoppages I was happy with and Paul Lewis getting into third which was a good result.
It was nice to see some old friends too at the new ranges with Preme and Magda shooting (good luck with the new addition!)
Three LBP shooters duked it out, with Howard Roberts missing out on a win by Rob Lawson pushing him into second with a nice win in open and Adrian Steel having a first go with LBP in standard, nicely shot, nice and safe and some good scores.
All the winners will again get vouchers for Target Rich Environment clothing form our new partner, see details of their range HERE
Next round is February 24th, to enter click HERE